🍀 LuckyBits API Documentation 🍀


The LuckyBits API allows developers to fetch real-time block reward and multiplier information for blocks mined on the LuckyBits blockchain. Using this API, you can integrate block data into your applications, build custom tools, or analyze network activity. The API returns data in JSON format and is designed to be lightweight and easy to use.

API Endpoints

GET /reward

Fetch reward and multiplier information for a specific block.

Endpoint: https://api.luckybits.org/reward/?block=BlockNumber


  • block (required) – The block number for which you want to retrieve data.

Example: https://api.luckybits.org/reward/?block=15090

Response Format

The API returns data in JSON format. Below are the fields included in a typical response:

    "status": "ok",
    "block": 15090,
    "base": 10,
    "multiplier": 0.5,
    "final": 10


Error Handling

If an error occurs during a request, the API will return a response in the following format:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Unable to fetch block data."

The message field will provide more details about the error. Common error messages include: